Customer Recipe - Roast Pork Bone Passata


We had a Working Bee here recently on the farm & the gorgeous Rosie from Mangrove Creek Permaculture came along to help out. Rosie is a pocket rocket. I don’t think there is anything that she hasn’t turned her hand to in her lifetime. She produces a lot of her own food, keeps poultry, is a beekeeper, is an incredible woodworker & is a wonderful listener when you need to pour your heart out. She is so capable & will give anything a try. Such a wonderful lady to have as a friend I can tell you.
Well I sent Rosie home from the Working Bee with some of our Pasture Raised Pork Bones & she cooked this up & wrote out the recipe for us. Pork bones bring a wonderful depth of flavour to pasta dishes & soups. We are all very focussed on our beef stocks & chicken broths -but seem to be overlooking the goodness we can get from pork bones.
And the best part of it all? Rosie dropped a container of the Roast Pork Bone Passata in for us to try. It was so delicious!

Parmesan rind (optional)
Pork Bones
Chicken Stock (or water)

Roast pork bones with a coating of olive oil in the oven till sizzling and brown.

Saute chopped onion, carrot, celery, garlic in olive oil till soft – in large pot.

Add bottled passata,  parmesan cheese rind (optional),  bay leaves,  Black pepper, salt,  & stock  - keeping it very liquid as it cooks down over time, and roasted bones.   Cook 4-6 hours on a simmer. Check occasionally if too reduced and add more water.

At the end strip bones of meat and add this meat back into the sauce.

Serve with spaghetti or gnocchi ( as in photo), parsley/basil and parmesan cheese.